Anyone who knows me, knows that my fave Marvel Comics team is known as the Marvel Werewolves. While they only got a few pages in the end of Marvel Zombies VS Army of Darkness #5, i still like them a lot better than I do the Marvel Zombies series comics. Also, other than liking other certain characters (and/or teams), that may or may not have their own series...I am a fan of ghost rider, maybe not a HUGE fan...but a fan none the less.
So naturally when I hear that it's creator Gary Friedrich tried suing them for money and/or rights to the character, mostly due to using Ghost Rider in movies and such, I was like "More power to him". Only to find out however that he didn't just lose the suit...but Marvel in turn decided to seek revenge on him, by counter suing him from money he's made off the character, or money made in anyway that states that he is indeed the creator of the character.
Of all the low down bulls**** schemes cooked up by a company, this has to be one of the most petty things I've ever heard of. REALLY MARVEL!? I cannot believe you'd pull something like this!!!!!!!!!! This guy created something you're profiting on, and you're not going to let him make so much as even a penny from his creation?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
This is so low, you're starting to make the people who work for you seem like slaves.
For all you Ghost Rider fans, marvel fans...or comic fans in general, I say we rally against Marvel!
Spread the word! We need to rally together and stop Marvel from succeeding!
If we don't, then we're saying what they're doing to people like Gary is okay for them to do to any artist they employ or have employed.
Here is a link to an article about Gary's Lawsuit woes:
Marvel VS Gary Friedrich
Spread this blog post, or that article. Show your support, if you're on facebook change your pic to your fave ghost rider pic as well.
So naturally when I hear that it's creator Gary Friedrich tried suing them for money and/or rights to the character, mostly due to using Ghost Rider in movies and such, I was like "More power to him". Only to find out however that he didn't just lose the suit...but Marvel in turn decided to seek revenge on him, by counter suing him from money he's made off the character, or money made in anyway that states that he is indeed the creator of the character.
Of all the low down bulls**** schemes cooked up by a company, this has to be one of the most petty things I've ever heard of. REALLY MARVEL!? I cannot believe you'd pull something like this!!!!!!!!!! This guy created something you're profiting on, and you're not going to let him make so much as even a penny from his creation?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
This is so low, you're starting to make the people who work for you seem like slaves.
For all you Ghost Rider fans, marvel fans...or comic fans in general, I say we rally against Marvel!
Spread the word! We need to rally together and stop Marvel from succeeding!
If we don't, then we're saying what they're doing to people like Gary is okay for them to do to any artist they employ or have employed.
Here is a link to an article about Gary's Lawsuit woes:
Marvel VS Gary Friedrich
Spread this blog post, or that article. Show your support, if you're on facebook change your pic to your fave ghost rider pic as well.