One thing some people have asked me to review quite a bit, is Final Fantasy 7 (aka FFVII or FF7). Despite the fact I don't really like any final fantasy games after the first one on the NES, I honestly won't be able to do a review of FF7 because of the simple fact....I do not have a copy.
This got me thinking, I won't be able to review alot of things for that same fact. So if you have stuff you'd like to donate, then you can always email me about such things. Money donations are always welcomed as well, and any money you donate would go to pay for goods and services that regard the site.
Any movies, comics and video games donated to Mad Mab's Multiverse Gallery will also get a review. But depending on time constraints, I may not get to reviewing something you donated right away.
Potentially breakable things like video games systems or certain kinds of toys like for anime or american comics, they must be shipped via UPS or DHL. Things that aren't breakable maybe shipped via USPS if you so wish, dvds and vhs movies may be shipped how you see fit.
So remember, if you request something to be reviewed and I turn you down...unless I state otherwise, most likely the cause will be due to a lack there of in regards to your request. I can't exactly review something I don't have now can I?
plz send email about donations you'd like to make to the following link provided below:
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