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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Comic Inque: The Legion of Super-Heroes

  It all began as it often does, with an animated series based on a comic book or comic books. In the Superman TAS (that means The Animated Series), I caught a glimpse of a comic book series I would eventually come to love an awful lot. In fact, I'd rank it as a close second to my love for the Green Lantern comics. Which is also ironic, because Superman TAS also sparked my interest in Green Lantern stuff in general, so what episode out of all the DC animated shows out there could have sparked this? 

  That would be episode 3 of season 3, the title of this episode is called "New Kids in Town". For those of you who don't know or don't remember this episode, it featured members/characters of  "The Legion of Super-Heroes". Now granted I honestly have read all or even a sizable sum of the Legion's comic books, but I still can't help but say I am still a fan. 

  Also I can't say that I know all of their stories and whatnot, so I am unable to know if anything is being ruined through retcons and the like. What I've seen and read so far has not deterred my from liking the legion, however...I do have a couple of nitpicky things about it, and as a reviewer even I know that this series can't feign innocence. 

  My main gripe about this genre of the DC's comics is that for legion of heroes that spans worlds through out space...most its notable members and enemies...are too human looking. Especially since the legion of super-heroes is trying to abolish xenophobia in honor of Superman's acceptance on earth. I will admit this may not seem like a huge issue like the odd discontinuity story or two you get in GL comics since the beginning of blackest night...but it's still an issue that is worth noting in my book. 
  Another I have a complaint about is the legion's code on murder for the sake of justice, what I mean about that is that whole "do not kill" philosophy that superman is the champion of. Seeing as how he is the inspiration for their founding in the first place, shouldn't they adhere to it? Several times in the comic books and even in that one episode of Smallville, one or more legion members...namely Garth aka Lightning Lad has either spouted talk that alludes to or has done actions that suggest that the legion walks a fine line between the difference for Hero and Anti-Hero. 

  Now granted not everyone knows what that means, so as an example: Batman = Hero, Punisher = Anti-Hero. Anyone who knows these two characters enough, knows the difference between a character being a Hero and Anti-Hero. A hero is a role model we'd want to aspire to, someone whom does not kill people for the sake of justice. And anti-hero is someone whom is willing to kill for the sake of justice, regardless if that is their first or last choice.

  Despite what people think, considering killing for the sake of justice does not make one an anti-hero, just actually doing it does. However, I'd have to say that leaving a villain in a situation that a hero knows will lead to their death lands them on both sides of the fence. True, the hero may not have killed the villain, the fact of the matter is that hero still let someone knowing die by refusing to save said villain. 

  The Legion cannot seem to make up it's mind on what it exactly wants to do regarding the issue of Hero vs Anti-Hero. Take superboy-prime for example back during final crisis, the general idea I got was the Legion wanted to kill him, or was greatly trying to cause his demise in some fashion. A number of times, the Legion went to extreme lengths to put a stop to prime and the legion of super-villains. I am still confused as to whether or not this "black witch" character actually killed members of the legion of super-villains or not. 

  Although I'd like to think she only took them out of the equation with extreme force, I still can't shake the feeling based on the wording in the panels...that she out right ended their lives.

  Now that we got that out of they way, do I still like the legion's stuff? yes. As far as I know, the Green Lantern comics have way loads more stuff to question or complain about, yet I am still accepting of them none the less. I still have to recommend the
The Legion of Super-Heroes comics, given what limited stuff I actually know about the legion's history and what limited about of their books I've read....I'd say I give this about a 8/10   

  I don't care what anyone says about it, if you can't find even one thing wrong with a comic book series or character you like...then you honestly aren't a true comic book fan at all. In general, I think many people would agree with me on this. Take me for example, I love the Green Lantern comics but even I know there are tons of things I find that are wrong with it. I like Geoff Johns' work, even though he retcons something he himself put forth a couple years back...

  Although we may not like to admit it, some comic book series and/or characters may not have been too great in the beginning or as of late.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Critic Critque: Angry Joe

   It's been a while since I did a review, so it's high time I pick something really cool as my first new review in awhile...so I chose Angry Joe. To be honest, I have not watched all of his videos. But from what I have seen his reviews are pretty awesome, and despite what this one fat@$$ jerk (whom shall remain nameless, mostly cause I honestly can't be bothered to remember his name) may think about me...Angry Joe is one of the good reviewers out there. 

  My friend has watched a lot of his stuff, and said he was funny. So I watched a few of his vids, some of which sparked interest in certain games such as STO (star trek online) and DCUO (DC universe online). Both of which I did end up getting for other reasons, but his vids on them certainly did influence the choice to buy them. I would recommend you get STO if you're a star trek fan and DCUO if you are a DC fan respectively, and the Vault in DCUO can drop all sorts of fun stuff like a Green Lantern Hoodie or a giant beach ball thing with superman's symbol on it. 

And most recently, his vid for Mortal Kombat has also rekindled that MK spirit from my younger days. 

    As my friend Mr.Dragon01 on the green lantern message board will confirm, I do tend to side with MK characters than Street Fighter characters. I honestly did play MK2 a lot more than SF2, but that doesn't mean I hate SF2. I just had more access to the MK games in the early days than the SF games. And what I saw in Angry Joe's Top 5 reasons MK will kick@$$ merely rekindled that nostalgia I have for the earlier MK games. 

 So I do recommend you at least check out that vid if you're an MK fan or even if you aren't. Angry Joe's reviews cover tons of games and the like and the vids are well put together in my opinion. Like I said about the Cinema Snob, if you don't like the work...don't watch it. If you don't like the comments about a game you like...shut up or make a review of your own putting that game on a pedestal. 

Just don't go to the reviewer's personal FB page and trash talk said reviewer...that is just plain bad manners and I will not stand for it. 

Angry Joe's videos and more can be found at the following address, have fun:

And remember...Angry Joe is there