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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Web Remote AH - MMO review

    Didn't think I'd be making something again this quickly, but the bs that is blizzard forced me to otherwise.

    Blizzard's remote AH (auction house) for the world of warcraft is at first glance, a good idea. What that means is that you can access AH for a particular server in which a character is on, buy and/or sell stuff and more. But...that's only if you pay 2.99 per 30 days. wait what?

    That's right, blizzard is going to make you pay 2.99 every 30 days to access the auction house from your web browser, wtf?! Now hold on, maybe I'm being a bit too hasty with this bout of nerd rage. Now I didn't mention this at first, but there are actually 2 remote AH that blizzard offers, a free and the paid one.

    The free one allows you to browse the AH, look how up how much currency a character has and even look up what items in your bags is sellable on the AH. There are a few more standard things that come with the free version, but when you look at the paid version it makes you wonder what blizzard was smoking exactly. The main things you'd use the AH for is what they paid version offers.

    You can buy/sell items, track auctions you have, items you bidding on, buyout auctions, collect the gold from auctions you have where someone bought an item you put on the AH. When you look at the paid version, its a rather awesome feature. A friend of mine did bring up some good points about it, the web AH is for those people who are on computers that don't have wow or for those people on the go via things like iPhone or the droid.

    All in all it's a rather handy feature if you're at work and you have a web capable phone, or in between classes for those in school. The fact of how mobile the web remote AH can be, is 12 kinds of awesome. But let's remember, this is the paid version. When you compare the paid to the free version, it makes you wonder why there is a free version. The paid remote AH as all the same features that the free version has plus more.

    The fact the paid version is the only version that actually acts like the AH system in the game, I can't help but question Blizzard's logic as to whey there is a free version at all. Remember the paid version is the only one of the two that is just like being ingame, so there really is no point in having the free version unless you just want to look at what's in the AH and not buy it. I will admit that I do not see the point blizzard is trying to make with the free version, it seems to me that it servers as a reason to pay the 2.99 a month.

    Granted, I probably would shell out the money for the remote AH if I had the phone for it. It doesn't matter if it's the paid one or not, but just knowing what is in your bags, your mailbox and how much currency a character has is awesome. The only thing over I cannot get over, is the free version. But just because I don't see a reason for the free version doesn't mean there isn't one. And I'm sure there are people out there who see this more as a rant, I wouldn't blame them. After reading it over myself, it does have that nerdrage rant feel to it. All I have to say is that this was my 2 cents on the subject, if I wasn't happy with it being a rant...I wouldn't have posted it.

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